Brown Anthurium Crystallinum Leaves (7 Causes + Solutions)

Brown Anthurium Crystallinum Leaves (7 Causes + Solutions)

The Anthurium crystallinum, commonly known as Crystal Anthurium, is one of the most desired houseplants because of its velvety appearance, distinct leaf pattern, and air-purifying ability. But one problem stands as a real antagonist that can destroy all these promising characteristics—leaf browning. Generally, leaf browning in Anthurium crystallinum is caused by 1) too much sunlight,…

7 Causes of Brown Calathea Musaica Leaves to Watch Out for!

7 Causes of Brown Calathea Musaica Leaves to Watch Out for!

Leaf browning in Calathea musaica, also known as the network plant, could quickly destroy your perfectly designed indoor garden’s ambiance. With its defined mosaic-like pattern, any signs of browning or wilting are just simply unacceptable. So knowing the causes behind this is key to maintaining a beautiful garden! In general, Calathea musaica leaves turn brown…

19 Stunning Houseplants With Large Leaves [Photos]

19 Stunning Houseplants With Large Leaves [Photos]

If you don’t know which houseplant with large leaves suits your home decor needs, my compilation can inspire you. In fact, I have been using some of the large-leafed beauties below to cover an ugly patch on my wall. Beautiful houseplants with large leaves include: Monstera deliciosa, Strelitzia nicolai, Dieffenbachia, Ficus lyrata, Fatsia japonica, Ficus…