Yellow or Orange Balls in Your Soil? This Explains it
Expert Video Detailing What Yellow Orange Ball Soil Are
Expert Video Detailing What Yellow Orange Ball Soil Are
Every year, when spring comes we get always the same question. How to germinate seeds directly into the soil and what is the best type of soil for germination. Seeds are pretty stubborn and if you do not fail in one of the most common traps you can grow them very easily, even without soil….
You might have seen some videos of gardeners growing plants from stems in a glass of water that quickly gets filled with shiny white roots. Those are water roots and are way different from those roots that your plant will grow into the soil. This also affects its growth quite significantly. Here’s why. The differences…
To save yourself from frustration when growing plants from seeds, you should familiarize yourself with their average germination time! Otherwise, you might spend an unnecessary fortune on new seeds. Commonly, this happens when you fail to realize that you just needed to give your green babies more time before seeing them sprout. The average germination…
It can be alarming to see the foliage on your rosemary, turning in different shades of red and purple. It can be difficult to pinpoint the exact cause, but rosemary foliage turning red or purple is a sign that something is wrong, and you need to check out. Red-purple foliage and sometimes a stronger scent…
You might have heard that creeper plants are bad for your garden and perhaps wondering if mint is one of them? Mint is one of the few creepers herbs. Among the two main types of creepers, mint is the one that produces runners to propagate horizontally over the soil in order to occupy, over time,…