Plant Nutrition, Deficiency, and Toxicity [and Solutions]

Plant Nutrition, Deficiency, and Toxicity [and Solutions]

It’s a familiar story. Despite all our care and effort, when plants wilt, young leaves turn yellow, and healthy roots blacken and die, we’d like to know why and how to prevent them. Soil enhancement and the right fertilizers can prevent plant malnutrition symptoms such as 1) chlorosis (abnormal coloring), 2) interveinal chlorosis (chlorosis between…

Liquid vs Granular Fertilizer [Pros and Cons] With Science

Liquid vs Granular Fertilizer [Pros and Cons] With Science

Wouldn’t it be great if you can just quickly choose the best liquid or granulated fertilizer? Unfortunately, there are so many fertilizer types, elements, and factors to consider that choosing one can be rather, well… daunting. Liquid and granular fertilizers have different pros and cons to consider in terms of 1) your goals and limitations,…