White Powder On Cactus? How To Remove Mealybugs in 6 Simple Ways

White Powder On Cactus? How To Remove Mealybugs in 6 Simple Ways

Have you noticed some white powdery substance hiding on the crevices of your cactus stems? Did your cactus experience growth deformation and discoloration? Inspect your plant right away as it may be infested with mealybugs! Mealybugs are white, fuzzy insects, 2-3mm long with filaments around their body. A mealybug infestation looks like a cottony mass…

Can I Use A Mason Jar as a Plant Container? [Definitely But..]

Can I Use A Mason Jar as a Plant Container? [Definitely But..]

Mason jars are a common item in kitchens, pantries, and sometimes fashionable restaurants. Of course, there’s more to them than just culinary use! Aesthetic-conscious gardeners should be Mason jars can be used as a plant containers. They have comparable qualities to other more conventional planter materials such as: 1) affordability; 2) clear glass; 3) being…