Bugs on Christmas Trees? [Which Ones and How To Remove Them]

Bugs on Christmas Trees? [Which Ones and How To Remove Them]

The tradition of bringing real trees indoors to celebrate Christmas dates back to the 16th century [1]. However, these trees which bring joy and embellishment to homes also bring in undesirable crawlers that can put a damper on the holiday festivities. The seven most common species of insects found on Christmas trees which are brought…

How Do Cacti Roots Look Like? [4 Types with Photos]

How Do Cacti Roots Look Like? [4 Types with Photos]

If you have ever been to a desert, you’ve probably wondered how cacti survived the diverse environmental condition. They must have powerful roots that sustained them through drought, strong winds, and periodic downpours. What do their roots look like from beneath the surface? Cactus roots look woody and extensive. Their roots evolved to gather water…