10 Best Plants for Hydroponics (3 Worst Hydroponics Plants)

10 Best Plants for Hydroponics (3 Worst Hydroponics Plants)

Every hydroponic journey starts with identifying which plants are best and worst to grow. Years back, I was just like you—browsing across articles and journals to find which plants are best. The best plants for hydroponics are those that have less space consumption, replicable environmental requirements, and growing habits that are not complex. More specifically,…

The 15 Biggest Cacti Species (With Amazing Photos)

The 15 Biggest Cacti Species (With Amazing Photos)

Do you have a huge front yard space that looks bare and flat? Take a look at this list of the biggest cacti species that will make a massive (literally) impact on your landscape. The 15 biggest cacti are: Mexican giant cardon (Pachycereus pringlei), Prickly pear cactus (Opuntia ficus-indica), Fishhook barrel cactus (Ferocactus wislizenii), Golden…

Are Cactus Fruits Edible? (6 Cacti With Edible Fruits)

Are Cactus Fruits Edible? (6 Cacti With Edible Fruits)

Perhaps you’ve seen some animals enjoying the watery and soft flesh of the cactus fruit, but are they edible for human consumption too? In general, cactus fruits are edible and safe for human consumption. Cacti species with edible fruits are: Prickly pear cactus (Opuntia species), Pitahaya or Dragon ruit actus (Hylocereus undatus), Barrel cactus (Echinocactus…