Can You Grow Laurel in Pots? (The One-Stop Guide)

Can You Grow Laurel in Pots? (The One-Stop Guide)

You may think growing bay laurel is intimidating, especially in containers. A popular evergreen in both cooking and decorating, it’s understandable people may think growing laurel requires significant care. The good news? It isn’t finicky! But can you grow them in pots? Generally, laurel can grow successfully in pots of at least 5-gallons filled with…

Hydroponics vs. Aeroponics (Key Differences Explained)

Hydroponics vs. Aeroponics (Key Differences Explained)

Hydroponic and aeroponic gardening systems are emerging as a response to climate change while also promoting efficient water and nutrient resource management. Years ago, as a beginner, I was curious about different ways to grow my plants. Right now, I have decided on a gardening method after considering a variety of factors. Generally, hydroponics and…