12 Amazing Frost-Resistant Plants (For Winter Gardens!)

12 Amazing Frost-Resistant Plants (For Winter Gardens!)

Winters are becoming colder every year, much to the annoyance of many gardeners. It’s devastating to lose your plants to frost, however, it doesn’t always have to be like that! Whether you’re experiencing sub-zero or single-digit temperatures, I can assure you that there’s a frost-resistant plant for you in this list! The 12 best frost-resistant…

The 64 Most Colorful Perennials Flowers to Grow (Long List Ahead!)

The 64 Most Colorful Perennials Flowers to Grow (Long List Ahead!)

Going through thousands of different colorful perennials is no easy task, especially if the sources are disorganized. Even if you find something, can it fit into your current garden? Before you risk losing money and years of work growing the wrong plant, check out this coordinated list I made. Check these gorgeous perennials and their…